Essays & Articles -
(content is being added regularly on this page - please check back often or subscribe)
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Articles are solely provided here for your personal educational and informational use under the 'fair use' provisions of US copyright law. They may not be plagiarized, altered, misrepresented, distributed or used commercially. All references must be fair and contextually accurate. Quotations or excerpts must credit the author(s) by name and the full title of the work(s) being quoted.
Please Note: Articles presented here are authored by scholars and students with diverse perspectives and varying backgrounds of study regarding the calendar and its related subjects. The opinions and conclusions within these works may or may not be in complete agreement with our current understanding of sabbath calendar issues. We encourage you to exercise discernment and always bring any information gleaned from these works to YHWH in prayer to seek His Wisdom. As our dearly departed brother, Brad Scott proclaimed, "God is smarter than we are!"
Archaeology -
discoveries and advancements in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the "Holy Land"
Beginning of Months -
the new year, equinox and intercalation
Creation and the Cycles of Time -
days, weeks, seasons, years and Sabbaths
Conundrum - Is it a problem if a Holy Day falls on a Weekly Sabbath?
Associated SCJ blog entries:
History -
historical context and studies surrounding the DSS and ancient calendar systems
Sabbath Calendar Fundamentals -
calendar elements and how they function
Conundrum - Is it a problem if a Holy Day falls on a weekly Sabbath?
Scripture and the Sabbath Calendar -
Scriptural studies of the DSS and the calendar
Exploring the ancient priestly calendar system found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
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The Sabbath Calendar Journal:
PO Box 64
Glasgow, KY 42142
Bill & Karen Bishop
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All Holy Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted.