black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Explore the ancient Sabbath Calendar system preserved by the Zadokite priests

Discover ancient insights from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical teachings.

Stay up-to-date!

white dove, returning with an olive branchwhite dove, returning with an olive branch

Archaeological, Historical & Scriptural

Ancient Manuscript from the DSS
Ancient Manuscript from the DSS
Archaeological dig site at Qumran
Archaeological dig site at Qumran
Young woman doing research at a desk with several books open.
Young woman doing research at a desk with several books open.
An educational resource for
Information & Studies Regarding the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar
The Sabbath Calendar Journal logoThe Sabbath Calendar Journal logo
old book, papyrus scroll, quill pen
old book, papyrus scroll, quill pen
Man reading and studying the Holy Bible
Man reading and studying the Holy Bible

Exploring the Ancient Calendar of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Join Bill and Karen Bishop from Returning to the Garden as we continue delving into the ancient Zadokite Sabbath Calendar. Discover scriptural and historical insights from the Dead Sea Scrolls and learn about this priestly calendar, its significance, and how it connects to our understanding of time and worship today.

Aquila & PriscillaAquila & Priscilla

We aspire that The Sabbath Calendar Journal will become a wellspring of dependable knowledge, bringing clarity to you and others as we navigate together, finding "where is the good way, and walk therein," (Jer 6:16) returning to the garden with peace and unity in the Holy Spirit!


New Arrivals

Updated XI-28 (Feb 13, 2025)

old book, scroll and quill penold book, scroll and quill pen
black Corona typewriter on brown wood planksblack Corona typewriter on brown wood planks
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leafy vine text divider
leafy vine text divider
leafy vine text divider
panoramic wall of video screenspanoramic wall of video screens

A new section for David Rives Ministries has been added to the Videos page - featuring clips from David's TV shows about Creation that have a scientific and Biblical relevancy to calendar studies.

The Biblical Calendar - Qumran and Mishneh Torah

Moon Studies - Psalms 81:3

The Zadok Calendar Controversy and the Calling of the Bride - DVD set - by Eddie Chumney

Designed by FreePik -

leafy vine text divider
leafy vine text divider
Zadokite Sabbath Calendar coverZadokite Sabbath Calendar cover

The Calendar page:

This page has been expanded to show the full 3 months of the current season. We've also included Biblical references next to each month for historical events that are specifically recorded in Scripture for that month.

We will be adding more to this section of the website as time goes on, so keep checking in with us!

The Calendar Event bannerThe Calendar Event banner

hosted by Luke Abaffy of The Life Podcast

(the video of this event is posted and ready to watch now!)

We were invited by Luke Abaffy to join him with 3 other distinguished teachers for a friendly discussion about the most popular calendar systems being used today by Messianic Believers:

  • Bill Bishop, Returning to the Garden - Zadok priestly calendar

  • Steve Moutria, Torah Family - New Moon Conjunction method

  • Arthur Bailey, Arthur Bailey Ministries - New Moon Sighting method

  • Joseph Good, Hatikva Ministries - Hillel II calendar

What a refreshing experience it was to sit with these other men of Yah and to be engaged in a mutually educational, respectful dialogue. We spent an evening and a day together, beginning as strangers and departing as brothers - with each of us knowing in a greater way that despite our calendar differences, we have a lot more in common to bring us together because of our love for the Messiah and His Love for us!

Be sure to see it on Luke's Youtube channel - @TheLife_Podcast.

Discover the priestly Zadokite Sabbath Calendar

Explore Biblical insights and learn about this ancient calendar system discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Biblical Calendar Then and Now bookThe Biblical Calendar Then and Now book

"insightful and informative ...."

".... easy to read .... very helpful!"

Contact Us

man and woman studying and writing
man and woman studying and writing

Reach out to Bill and Karen for inquiries about the ancient Zadokite calendar and our research.